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Introducing Teens to National LGBTQ+ Month

June is National LGBTQIA Month and a perfect time to provide teens with awareness on this important subject. Introducing special needs teens to LGBTQIA issues can help them become more sensitive citizens and maybe help them sort out their own feelings on sexuality.

Transition Rules Require Accurate Sexual Information

But, LGBTQIA information is not just a luxury to be taught during a National Awareness Month—it is mandated by federal law for teens with special needs. In fact, Indicator 3.1.3 of the Youth Development and Youth Leadership section of the transition mandates states:

“Youth are [to be] provided accurate information and given the opportunity to ask questions and discuss sexual attitudes.”

Free Lesson on Sexual Awareness

The attached lesson from “Safe Dating” in the Daily Living Skills series provides students with information on sexual orientation. It lets students know the most common sexual definitions and provides information on the percentage of people who identify under each label.

By providing this information in a clear, factual manner to kids, it is easy to provide students with the facts they need without any loaded language or judgment. Teachers can then open up the conversation to classroom discussions and exploration as is appropriate to your group.

Additional Transition Requirements Fulfilled

But, “Safe Dating” offers more for teachers. Information on communication, decision making and refusal skills are also explored in this book to meet additional mandates of the federal transition requirements.

Written on a 3rd/4th grade level with airy pages and lots of bullet-point information, these books nevertheless address teen sensibilities and humor while meeting federal guidelines for transition services and Indicator 13 requirements. For more information go here.


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