Introducing Mental Health Awareness to Teens
May is Mental Health Awareness month and a good time to introduce mental health awareness to teens and young people. Especially as...
Helping Teens Manage Stress
It’s no accident that April is National Stress Awareness month. As winter ends, taxes are due, and the long haul until the end of the...
Good Nutrition for Special Needs Teens
Public Health Week is a great time to teach teens with special needs about good nutrition. Good nutrition education is vital to the...
Introducing Mindfulness to Teens
Here is a 5-10 minute activity that you can do with your students at a break, after lunch, or whenever the day begins to get stressful....
Helping Students Become Employable
Students with special needs require extra help to find a job. Job skills are an important part of any transition program for special...
Autism Awareness Month Activities
April is Autism Awareness Month and with a growing population of students on the spectrum, it is a perfect time to work on a social skill...
Developing Procrastination Awareness
The first week of March is Procrastination Awareness Week. The first step in helping students overcome procrastination is awareness that...
Teaching Teens About Condom Use
Valentine’s Day is also National Condom Day. Clearly, somebody had a sense of humor—and a good idea—since 50% of the pregnancies in the...
Random Acts of Kindness and Special Needs Teens
When the world is good, our students receive many random acts of kindness. People may reach for things that are out of reach. Or, they...
Writing a Thank-You Note
After the holidays, many students are left with a desire to thank friends and family for the gifts of the season but no knowledge of how...